Liability law could be intertwined with all aspects of every day (company) life:
Fault, damage and causal connection: these three elements are essential to make a successful liability claim or, in absence thereof, to avert the claim.
DEWISPELAERE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW has years of experience in this specialised field.
DEWISPELAERE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW advises you on the feasibility of your claims and assists you whilst drawing up a formal notice and during the proper formulation of the damage claim. Conversely, we also assist you when fending off damage claims.
Address Brussels
Oude Mechelsestraat 165
1853 Strombeek-Bever
(Brussel) België
Address Ghent
Rijvisschestraat 124
9052 Ghent
BTW: BE 0535.707.739
Third-party account
BE14 7341 7900 1583
Phone/Fax Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 267 21 70
Fax: +32 (0)
Phone Ghent
Tel.: +32 (0)9 248 13 85
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