+ 32 (0)2 267.21.70

Credit management


1. Audit of your General Terms and Conditions and drawing up your internal debt monitoring process

Prior to effectively process specific debt collection dossiers, we first analyse your General Terms and Conditions, contracts and agreements. If required, and in due consultation with you, these will be adjusted to comply with the applicable legislation and rulings of the Court of Justice.

Furthermore, a custom roadmap for the internal procedure for debt collection will be created.

2. Amicable stage

Depending on the number of dossiers, we can provide you with custom software for the delivery and follow-up of the dossiers.

As soon as you commission the dossier to be handled by our office, you will be freed from all administrative hassle and we will continue following up the dossier. We will send a formal notice of default to the respective debtor and follow up on the possibly agreed upon repayment plan. Any disputes will be analysed at that time and will be discussed with the client.

Some clients explicitly request us to skip the amicable stage and to immediately serve the summons in order to react quickly. By means of an immediate summons, a debtor no longer has the possibility to avoid payment of the contractually stipulated default interest and the indemnification compensation.

3. Judicial phase

In the event the amicable steps taken are not successful or only partly successful, or in the event the debtor does not repay the debt or no longer repays the debt during the amicable stage, the next step, in due consultation with you, will be to serve a summons. Prior to serving the summons, the bailiff will check the solvency of the debtor, if and when possible. Naturally, it is of no use to summon a quasi-insolvable debtor and to present you with unnecessary costs. During this phase, we work with the largest bailiff office in Belgium.

After obtaining a ruling, we will follow the enforcement of this ruling by the bailiff on your behalf.

In the event of a bankruptcy or a judicial reorganisation of your debtor, we can initiate the required report and follow up on this.

Contact DEWISPELAERE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW for a quotation, free of any engagement.


Address Brussels

Oude Mechelsestraat 165
1853 Strombeek-Bever
(Brussel) België

Address Ghent

Rijvisschestraat 124
9052 Ghent

BTW: BE 0535.707.739


Third-party account

BE14 7341 7900 1583


Phone/Fax Brussels

Tel.: +32 (0)2 267 21 70
Fax: +32 (0)

Phone Ghent

Tel.: +32 (0)9 248 13 85



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