DEWISPELAERE ATTOREYS-AT-LAW has developed unique expertise with regard to credit management. This expertise stretches beyond than just claiming unpaid invoices by means of a writ of summons.
The services provided by DEWISPELAERE ATTOREYS-AT-LAW include advising clients with formulating their General Terms and Conditions, their contracts and their agreements, further drawing up a debt monitoring process and effectively claiming unpaid invoices. Irrespective of the fact whether you are a small or medium-sized organisation, a corporate organisation or a multinational DEWISPELAERE ATTOREYS-AT-LAW , provides you with a dedicated, tailor-made solution.
It does not make sense to summon a totally insolvable debtor and to determine afterwards that the decision obtained is unenforceable. The art of credit management is to prevent as many unnecessary costs as possible and to react quickly.
DEWISPELAERE ATTOREYS-AT-LAW is your reliable partner for a swift recovery of your outstanding invoices.
Address Brussels
Oude Mechelsestraat 165
1853 Strombeek-Bever
(Brussel) België
Address Ghent
Rijvisschestraat 124
9052 Ghent
BTW: BE 0535.707.739
Third-party account
BE14 7341 7900 1583
Phone/Fax Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 267 21 70
Fax: +32 (0)
Phone Ghent
Tel.: +32 (0)9 248 13 85
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